All over Warsaw and the surrounding area, kids are getting ready for school to start tomorrow morning. This second grader is no exception. She is my granddaughter. She is in my class. She has been practicing putting curlers in her hair so she will look nice for the first day of school. I think she looks just fine.
About half of my students came to our Meet the Teacher event at school this afternoon. They failed to scare me away. I am still very excited about transferring from fourth to second grade.
Watching them walk into the room and look around was so funny. Some were full of themselves, trying to show off. Others were quiet and reserved. All were wide-eyed, taking in every detail of the room. They found their desks, their closets, the libraries, the pencil sharpener, and my stuffed animals. I am certain they saw more, but they were uncertain about asking questions of the big bald teacher with the whiskers.
They left the class full of excitement and chatting incessantly with their parents. The excitement in their voices was unmistakeable. I reminded them to get a good night's sleep and to bring their brains. I think that is good advice for me, too.
Mr. Glass
Looking forward to following your journey this year.