Glass Class Grade Two

Glass Class Grade Two
Ready for Students

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What stuck with you today?

If you are a parent, how many times have you asked your child what he or she learned in school?  How many times has the answer been, "Nuthin'" or, "I don't know," if you got an answer at all.  If you are a student, how many times have you dreaded that question.

Thanks to a suggestion on Pinterest, I am able to give kids answers to that question.  At the end of each day, I ask my second graders to get a Stickie and write something special they remember about the day.  They post them on the wall as shown in the photo.

They now have a connection with a special memory that they can share with their parents and I get to peek into their minds and see the kinds of things that stick in their heads.  Here are a few of their somewhat memorable memories of today.  Spelling and grammar have not been repaired.

"I had to wate on the bus for breakfast."

"We got homework."

"We got to now the planets."

"We learned about the Planat Murkre."

"My techer is a majeshun."

"I learnd what the clostess moon is to the sun."

"We did do math."

"I learnd a lot of thengs."

I can say that by doing this everyday, I am learning a lot of "Thengs," too.

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