Glass Class Grade Two

Glass Class Grade Two
Ready for Students

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Face Says it All - Sometimes

This is a really happy photo.  I'll bet you smiled when you looked at this happy student, working and sharing with a partner.  Teachers and parents smile when they see things like this happen at school.  Unfortunately, not all kids smile.

I used to want kids to smile because I believed it validated my teaching.  It doesn't.  Student learning validates my teaching.  Not all happy students are good learners and not all unsmiling students are poor learners.

Today was a really special day.  I was able to connect with one of those unsmiling students.  I'm not sure if the student knew it.  All of the signs said he was not learning, but he has been.  I saw it.  I won't miss it again.  I am not sure if he is happy about it.  He still hasn't smiled.  I'm good with that.

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